About Us

Meet the trainer

Alyssa Corcoran is the founder and head trainer at Venture Canine. She first got into dog training after doing private lessons with one of her dogs. From then on, her passion for training sparked and she became a trainer quickly after. When Alyssa became a trainer, she was also a student at Sacramento State University. While doing both, her love for training dogs increased and she left CSUS to focus more on training dogs and continuing to expand her knowledge for dogs. She was working for a franchise training company and after a couple years of being there, realized that their methodologies did not align with how she wanted to train anymore. She took courses at The Michael Ellis School for Dog Trainers and moved up to Reno, NV to Intern  and work with Courtney Dill at Sierra Canine Training. As her passion continued to grow, she started her own company and is striving to change the game on quality pet dog training. During her free time, she enjoys training and venturing off into the desert and mountains with her three Siberian huskies: Akino, Maya, and Nitro.

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“Alyssa is a fantastic trainer and worked wonders with our husky/GSD mix. Highly recommend this program! Our dog was lacking confidence and structure and this process helped us learn how we can advocate and support her in public as well as at home. The results have been phenomenal—you will have to put in the work following the program but we felt like we had all the support we needed to understand how we adjust our daily routine to make the changes permanent.”

-Hunter P.